Engineering, Inc
Oil and Gas Field services offered by HD Engineering are listed below. If your specific need is not listed below, or if you have questions about any of the services listed, please contact us to discuss.
Oil and Gas Field services:
Site Feasibility Studies
Site Scouting and Planning
Site Layout and Design
PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) Design and Permitting
Wetland Investigation
NPDES (+1 Acre Development) Plannning and Permitting
ESCGP-2/3 Inspections
ESCGP-3 Design and Permitting
PNDI Investigations and Clearances
Act 14 Notifications
Act 13 Planning
SPCC Plan Design and Review
Erosion and Sedimentation Control/Post Construction Stormwater Management Design and Permitting
Nationwide Permit Preparation
Onsite Construction Management
As-Built Drawing Preparation and Implementation
Construction Plan Review
Construction Scheduling
ODNR Permitting
ACOE Permitting